If we believe the marketing surrounding athletic performance enhancing supplements, miracles occur all the time. Only a few dollars worth of their latest magic bullets are what is keeping you from spectacular athletic success! Or so the promotions say. The fact that products of questionable abilities continue to be marketed indicates that many of us…
Tag: exercise
Fitness After 50
Our physiology provides us with, ahem, interesting changes as we age, so much so that we may begin to despair of building fitness after 50. Whether you have stayed in shape for many years, returned to exercise after a layoff, or are just getting started, achieving fitness in our middling years is possible. As with…
A Vaccine Injury Adventure
Without venturing into the weeds of partisan views on the subject, vaccine injury is a real thing. Science has tabulated and studied the effects of vaccines on populations since the original development of inoculations for public health management. Vaccine injuries are not new or news. Our perceptions have just changed with current events. Public Health…
Does Our Exercise Data Wag the Dog?
I freely admit to being an exercise data junkie. Looking for those extra miles, personal records (PR’s), King of the Mountain (KoM) stats to post online. It seems that every workout became an attempt at furthering ones bragging rights. Using portable computers to passively record and publish those emotionally charged numbers for us just makes…
Are We Really Smarter Than Our Biology?
When was the last time your personal biology reached out and reminded you who is really in charge? You know, when you went off your diet for some frequent stops in the drive-thru, only to discover the numbers on the scale bumping up. Or jumping up off the couch after a holiday lay-off, only to…