The marketing of fitness in the United States is booming. Hundreds of billions of dollars are spent yearly participating in exercise activities, as well as supplying equipment needs, buying nutritional supplements, and using fitness oriented services. Funny though how we are still unhealthy as a national population. Did we not spend enough money or is…
Tag: lifestyle
Thoughts on Plateauing
I know it sounds like the latest in adventure exercise but plateauing is just our body’s built-in way of defining optimal function. We, of course, think we know better but Nature still asserts its dominance in our physiology. Or does it? “I’ll Take Plateauing for $200, Alex” I was introduced to the experience of plateauing…
Being Difficult: A Healthy Lifestyle the Hard Way
Keeping with an exercise plan, or any healthy lifestyle choice for that matter, is difficult. For every reason we have to do something good for ourselves, we can always come up with loads of reasons to not do it. The weather is too hot/cold/rainy to go outside… I ate a carrot stick yesterday, so I…
Paying Attention to Our Arguments
I am coming around to thinking that we no longer pay enough attention to our arguments. We go with the first loudly expressed idea and defend it without due consideration of that idea. The substance of the idea is lost in all the noise surrounding it. I know what you are going to say. “But…
Nature’s Balancing Act
Balance is everything in Nature and the consequences of imbalances can be quite severe at times. Nature does not fool around. As an example, our bodies perform an intricate balancing act with salts and other minerals (like sodium, potassium, and calcium) in our normal physiology. The ability of muscles and nerves to function is based…