Modern Media really have manipulation down to a fine science. From selling us the latest widgets, to fake news and frustrations generated by social media trolls, our emotions are taken out for a joyride every time we open up a feed or a magazine. Feeling worn out by all of the drama? The solution is…
Tag: positive thinking
All Attitude: Find the Fun in Your Workouts
Your Attitude toward your workouts plays a big role in how they turn out. Whether you are taking a leisurely stroll around the block or focusing on an intense HIIT session, making the most of the activities is a matter of choice. Exercise framed in a positive light creates positive learning and is more conducive…
Self Esteem: Getting Too Much of a Good Thing
Self Esteem: Getting Too Much of a Good Thing. You would think that receiving positive support in the majority of your daily activities would be a good thing for your self esteem. Praise for challenges met and tasks accomplished most certainly play to our sense of reward. We feel a sense of belonging and contribution…
How to Really Lose Weight and Stay Healthy
How to Really Lose Weight and Stay Healthy. Healthy weight loss is simple. Just burn more calories than you consume. So why is this so difficult for so many people, especially as we age? The source of the weight gain problem lies in our physiology, which is exactly where we find the healthiest solution too….
Just a Thought For the Day
If you’re reading this… Congratulations, you’re alive. If that’s not something to smile about, then I don’t know what is. ― Chad Sugg, Monsters Under Your Head
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