The Internet can be such a terrific source of knowledge and information. It is unfortunate though that factual information is so often twisted in ways that promote marketing efforts and used to allow the uneducated to sound authoritative. Such is the case of visceral fat. Long on hype and short on facts. It’s time to…
Tag: health
Good Skin That Comes From Within
Bewildered by the competing claims on skincare products? Each promising miraculous results but not really delivering when you lay down the bucks? There is an easy and affordable solution: Work from the inside out. Here’s how.
Advocating For Yourself: Being an Educated Consumer
Have you ever stood in the store aisle trying to decipher the ingredient label on a product? Did you put the item in your cart with a whispered hope that the ingredients would not significantly harm you or your family? Don’t you hate feeling that way? Product companies are not likely to help us make…
Smoking Cessation is Still a Great Idea!
We have all had the “horrors” of smoking presented to us many times. Many of us listened but there are still a sizable group, and their families, that continue to be exposed to cigarette smoke (or its especially lethal new cousin, e-cigarette smoke) each day. Science has not given up on smoking. Each month there…
How to Use the Glycemic Index to Make Sound Food Choices
One diet guru seen recently, selling their latest book as it happens, talked about the evils of “bad” carbohydrates like they are somehow conscious entities that are lying in wait for the unwary consumer who might eat them. Like so many sales pitches out there, there is a kernel (if you’ll pardon the pun) of…
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