Addiction starts off with a whimper and brings change with a bang. Even after my years of sobriety, I still marvel at the subversive nature of addiction. How it incrementally comes to control our lives that we hardly notice the changes until damage is done. As a behavioral characteristic that is firmly rooted in our…
Tag: health
The Winning Authority of Nature
It has been with more than a mild amount of amusement that I have observed politicians, and academics (both with and without scientific credentials), pontificate over whether Nature has ultimate authority over our lives. Surely government and… ahem… science experts are in charge. Specifically, the political posturing, behavior mandates, and other interventions that give some…
A Vaccine Injury Adventure
Without venturing into the weeds of partisan views on the subject, vaccine injury is a real thing. Science has tabulated and studied the effects of vaccines on populations since the original development of inoculations for public health management. Vaccine injuries are not new or news. Our perceptions have just changed with current events. Public Health…
Casualties of the Pandemic: The Doctor-Patient Relationship
The Doctor-Patient Relationship, once the foundation of the healing arts, took some real hits during our response to the recent pandemic. Granted, allopathic medicine (also known as western medicine), has been undergoing significant changes in the delivery of healthcare over the years. Many of these changes concerned the shift in priorities from interactions with trained…
When “We Don’t Know” is a Good Scientific Answer
Before COVID-19 became a referendum on political ideologies, there were scientific answers about human genetics, lifestyle choices, and the expression of viruses in world populations. Before climate change was elevated from typically variable environmental behaviors to weather events that are mysteriously responsive to the shaming of humans and the expenditure of vast amounts of money,…