We have all had the “horrors” of smoking presented to us many times. Many of us listened but there are still a sizable group, and their families, that continue to be exposed to cigarette smoke (or its especially lethal new cousin, e-cigarette smoke) each day. Science has not given up on smoking. Each month there…
Tag: lifestyle
Dementia Prevention: Some Easy Things You Can Do
Dementia. A word that gives pause to even the most confident amongst us. So many of us have been touched (or one day will be touched) by this diagnosis that the condition does not call for an explanation. Yet bringing into the open a group of conditions which are classified under dementias is so vitally…
How to Use the Glycemic Index to Make Sound Food Choices
One diet guru seen recently, selling their latest book as it happens, talked about the evils of “bad” carbohydrates like they are somehow conscious entities that are lying in wait for the unwary consumer who might eat them. Like so many sales pitches out there, there is a kernel (if you’ll pardon the pun) of…
The First Step in an Effective Weight-Loss Program: Throw Away the Bathroom Scale!
Our bodies are these amazingly dynamic mechanisms that shift weight on and off all during the day and night. Hormones, diet, medications, and exercise are just a few of the players in this complex system. So why throw out the scale? The number on the scale is just a general indicator of your overall body…
6 Strategies to Combat Chronic Inflammation
Chronic inflammation can affect any and every part of your body. From autoimmune diseases like Crohn’s Disease and Inflammatory Bowel Disease, to obesity and psychological depression, chronic inflammation can adversely change the function of many of your bodily systems. Not to mention altering your ability to function in Life.
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