In reviewing my earlier bicycling lessons posts, I noted a certain innocence in the writing. COVID has changed a lot of things for me – for all of us, so I thought that the topic might be worth updating. I have shared that bicycling, as well as other forms of athletic endeavor, offers us opportunities…
Tag: lifestyle
The Winning Authority of Nature
It has been with more than a mild amount of amusement that I have observed politicians, and academics (both with and without scientific credentials), pontificate over whether Nature has ultimate authority over our lives. Surely government and… ahem… science experts are in charge. Specifically, the political posturing, behavior mandates, and other interventions that give some…
Casualties of the Pandemic: The Doctor-Patient Relationship
The Doctor-Patient Relationship, once the foundation of the healing arts, took some real hits during our response to the recent pandemic. Granted, allopathic medicine (also known as western medicine), has been undergoing significant changes in the delivery of healthcare over the years. Many of these changes concerned the shift in priorities from interactions with trained…
That’s Quite a Healthcare System You’ve Got There
Our modern healthcare system is just that. A system. Driven by business concerns and a lot like a visit to Las Vegas. The operation of the system favors the system itself, not the participant. Okay. Probably not news to any of us. As users of healthcare, we can be content with what we get, try…
Are We Really Smarter Than Our Biology?
When was the last time your personal biology reached out and reminded you who is really in charge? You know, when you went off your diet for some frequent stops in the drive-thru, only to discover the numbers on the scale bumping up. Or jumping up off the couch after a holiday lay-off, only to…