If Madison Avenue has their way, we will forever be trying to keep up with the Jones’. The secret is that the Jones’ don’t really exist – but you do. There IS a way to constructively handle stress.
Tag: lifestyle
Benefits of Exercise in Addiction Recovery
Addiction Recovery is long road that many travel. Exercise is known to aid in this healing process. Exercise works at the same locations as drugs and alcohol. Namely, the whole body. Addiction really beats up both the mind and the body. Brain chemistries get jumbled, which affects the mental health of the person. Organ systems…
Migraine Headaches and Getting on With Life
People who endure Migraine Headaches are true champions in my book. Besides the pain, there is the disruption of their daily lives and all relationships. I admire the migraineur’s ability to bear up under such circumstances AND how they manage to carry on with life as each episode resolves. These are truly courageous people. For…
How Do I Turn This Thing Down? Finding Quiet in a Very Unquiet World
I miss the quiet of childhood. When nothing was going on in my immediate vicinity and I was just SO BORED. I was so bored in fact, that I had to go make my own entertainment, which was likely my parents’ intention all along. Upon reflection, there was something profound in overcoming that boredom. A…
Some Life Lessons Learned from Cycling – Part 2
Cycling teaches us plenty. How to take care of ourselves. How to take care of others. How to handle change. Some of us just pick up the learning more readily than others. We can rationalize, avoid, and attack the things that we don’t want to do, but the natural world eventually wins out. Sort of…
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