Be the Champion of Your Health: Self-Advocacy in Your Health Care. Self-advocacy in your Health care is now a required skill in order receive appropriate care. As the industry of healthcare becomes increasingly dependent on technology, and corporate management rations your access to time with your human providers, the only way to ensure that you…
Fixing Our Unhealthy Technology Habit
Fixing Our Unhealthy Technology Habit Modern electronic technology entices and engages the majority of us. From the ubiquitous smartphone to cooking our meals, these small glowing interfaces are our world. The price for this interaction is just now being tallied and we are hurting from the experience. But as it is our technology behavior that…
3 Steps to Controlling Crohn’s Disease Naturally
3 Steps to Controlling Crohn’s Disease Naturally Crohn’s Disease is an inflammatory process of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract that can debilitate sufferers and alter their lifestyles dramatically. While there is no cure, Crohn’s disease can be treated naturally using some easy to follow guidelines. While not precisely an auto-immune disease, Crohn’s is a malfunction of…
An Anti-Aging Strategy That Really Works
Anti-Aging Strategy That Really Works Looking for that anti-aging edge in your battle against the accumulating years? Worried about the decline and disability you think may await you? Want to emphasize quality-of-Life in your older years? Control over these concerns is all within your grasp! Our human bodies possess natural mechanisms by which we can…
The Big Con: Prescription Drug Advertising in the US
The Big Con: Prescription Drug Advertising in the US Prescription drug advertising is big business. Really big. So much so that the pharmacy industry currently spends over $4 billion a year to push the sales directly to the consuming public. And this investment works well too. Slick marketing vignettes that accentuate the attractiveness of their…
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