Body hydration, the amount of water we have in storage in our tissues, is a condition that can make or break your workouts. Especially during the summer months, a moderate level of dehydration can turn a typical workout routine into a true struggle for survival. Going back a few years, we remember what dehydration looks…
Dementia Prevention: Some Easy Things You Can Do
Dementia. A word that gives pause to even the most confident amongst us. So many of us have been touched (or one day will be touched) by this diagnosis that the condition does not call for an explanation. Yet bringing into the open a group of conditions which are classified under dementias is so vitally…
Cross Training: The Payoff For A Winter’s Worth of Work
Wanting to get better and stronger in your sport has produced many training regimens over the years and cross training has a solid track record, if you’ll pardon the pun, of coming across with the promised goods. If you are unfamiliar with the concept, it is dead easy and a breeze to integrate into your…
You Are in Command: The Incredible Power of Informed Consent
In light of recent legislative efforts, in particular the current sb277 debate in California, it is important to understand who is really in charge of our bodies, Health, and that of our loved ones. As the law is written right now, the patient/consumer has the ultimate say in what happens to their bodies. That’s right….
But I Read It on the Internet, So It Must Be True
Are you feeling the information overload yet? We are navigating input from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. Reading and posting whenever we can. And can we talk about the quality of the material we are wading through? You might think that most of this material is somehow related to those Nigerian royalty emails from a few…
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