From our uglier political nature on display, to the clearly evidenced mental health issues confronting so many individuals these days, it seems like there has not been much beauty in our lives. Or has there? Prospects The COVID-19 pandemic, and the accompanying political shenanigans, have left people and institutions a little worse for the wear….
When “We Don’t Know” is a Good Scientific Answer
Before COVID-19 became a referendum on political ideologies, there were scientific answers about human genetics, lifestyle choices, and the expression of viruses in world populations. Before climate change was elevated from typically variable environmental behaviors to weather events that are mysteriously responsive to the shaming of humans and the expenditure of vast amounts of money,…
That’s Quite a Healthcare System You’ve Got There
Our modern healthcare system is just that. A system. Driven by business concerns and a lot like a visit to Las Vegas. The operation of the system favors the system itself, not the participant. Okay. Probably not news to any of us. As users of healthcare, we can be content with what we get, try…
Does Our Exercise Data Wag the Dog?
I freely admit to being an exercise data junkie. Looking for those extra miles, personal records (PR’s), King of the Mountain (KoM) stats to post online. It seems that every workout became an attempt at furthering ones bragging rights. Using portable computers to passively record and publish those emotionally charged numbers for us just makes…
Are We Really Smarter Than Our Biology?
When was the last time your personal biology reached out and reminded you who is really in charge? You know, when you went off your diet for some frequent stops in the drive-thru, only to discover the numbers on the scale bumping up. Or jumping up off the couch after a holiday lay-off, only to…