Putting Together Great Tasting Summer Nutrition When it comes to getting good nutrition at this time of year, any reason to not heat up my kitchen is a good one. During these hot summer days is when I look to the produce section of my grocery store to find some raw materials that give me…
Competing With Exercise Technology
Competing With Exercise Technology Technology that we use with exercise used to be our best friend but I am concerned about our developing addiction to this friend. The self-satisfaction of setting personal records (PR’s), competing with friends for bragging rights over a local hill or race, can all be quantified by portable gadgets that measure…
I Have This Diagnostic Label – Now What Do I Do?
What To Do With This Diagnostic Label? We as westerners just love to label things. From our weather (tropical storm “what’s-his-name”) to the family pet, everything gets a personalized name that gives us comfort in a frightening world. That label confers a sense of control. If we can name it, we can conquer it. Disease…
Do Rest and Recovery Really Count?
Do Rest and Recovery Really Count? Rest. Recovery. Two words that don’t usually rank high up for any of us. Athletes do, perform, excel – anything but rest. Or so goes some of the thinking. Here’s how your body really works and how you can help it to work even better. Rest Is Rest, Right?…
Bicycling Seriously
Bicycling Seriously Perhaps it is my reflective nature. As I prepare for each bicycling adventure (as they are all adventures of some sort), I focus my attention on the ride as I dress in kit and ponder possibilities. Being a cyclist for over 30 years, experiences on the road have taught me that you assume nothing. A…
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