Still have that nagging New Years resolution hanging in the back of your mind? Feeling a little guilty maybe? Well good news for you procrastinators! There is no such thing as being too late to start-up your exercise program. Are you a former athlete who hasn’t participated in longer-than-you-care-to-remember? Re-entry into your sport (that probably…
Eggs-actly! An Old Favorite is Back.
Still afraid of that sinister cholesterol lurking in your favorite egg? The time has come to put away those fears whipped up by the media in years gone by. By most current accounts, eggs have been given a bad rap and they belong once again on the menu of a balanced diet.
But If You’ll Hum Few Bars… Listening to New Information From Your Body
Respect. As an athlete, you have learned how to mentally manage pain and fatigue. Play through whatever your body tells you. If it hurts, suck it up! You can take it! By now, you have probably found some physical limitations with this approach. Pushed through until something failed. Got hurt with no one but yourself…
Being Competitive: A Starting Point
One of the truths that Life shares with us is that we all must get older. While some of us Baby Boomers are still working on growing up, we are all confronted with bodies that are changing with age. Previously quiet joints and little aches and pains now talk to us in very clear voices…
Great Ideas: Reconnecting Mind with Body
Trying to be that superman or superwoman to everyone around us is exhausting. Right? What happens when we sacrifice so much of ourselves that we literally run out of gas? We get sick – but you knew that already. For creatures with the ability to reason, we can sure paint ourselves into this sickness and…
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